Chennai: In the light of continuous ceasefire violations along the western border of the country, All India Anti Terrorism Front (AIATF) on Sunday said India should produce documents in the United Nations to declare Pakistan a "terrorist country". "We would collect documents on the December 13 Parliament attack, 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai, beheading of Indian soldiers and everyday ceasefire violations along the border and produce them to the UN and declare Pakistan a terrorist country," AIATF chairman MS Bitta told PTI here. Observing that there should not be any dialogue with Pakistan, the former Union minister said, "goli ka jawab goli. (Bullet for bullet)." The world should know that Pakistan breeds the terrorism industry and it is the "mother of terrorism", he said. Advocating an increase in the military presence in Jammu and Kashmir, he said the Valley faces threats everyday. Buoying the idea of formulating a government policy to adopt children of armed forces personnel who are killed while in service, he said, "They should be adopted if they are not employed or not married." Bitta also said there was a need to establish a separate ministry to take care of victims of terrorism and anti-terrorist military courts, to clear cases dealing with terrorism within six months. "A terrorist is a terrorist, be it Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Sikh," he said. Earlier, he distributed `Veer Bravery Awards` to families of armed forces and police personnel, who lost their lives while on duty. [...]